Founder / President

Nedra Kline Weinreich, the president and founder of Weinreich Communications, is widely recognized as an expert in the field of social marketing. She is the author of the classic book Hands-On Social Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Change for Good.

Since starting Weinreich Communications in 1995, Nedra has provided effective and innovative social marketing services for clients like the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute, Department of Energy and numerous state, local and international organizations. She has worked closely with the entertainment and news industries to encourage accurate depictions of mental health issues as staff on the Entertainment Industries Council. Prior to her work with Weinreich Communications, she designed health education and communication programs for public and private organizations.

Nedra is a frequent speaker at conferences and trainings, using her expertise to build the knowledge and skills of professionals who want to put social marketing, social media and transmedia storytelling to work for their organizations. She taught a graduate course on social marketing at UCLA’s School of Public Health for many years and was adjunct faculty at Georgetown University. Nedra earned her Master's degree in Health and Social Behavior from the Harvard School of Public Health and her bachelor's degree in Conservation and Resource Studies from the University of California, Berkeley.

In addition to serving on the board of directors of the International Social Marketing Association and the editorial board of the Social Marketing Quarterly, Nedra has been invited to participate on numerous Federal expert advisory panels and committees. She is also the founder of the Transmedia for Good Network.

Nedra is active on Twitter as @Nedra.



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