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Social Marketing Resource Library


Cover of free ebook - Supercharge Your Social Impact: Using Social Marketing for Behavior Change by Nedra Weinriech
Supercharge Your Social Impact:
Using Social Marketing for Behavior Change
(free eBook)

Get up to speed quickly on how to use social marketing for behavior change and social impact with this 22-page eBook full of resources.


Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

Cover of Hands-On Social Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Change for Good by Nedra Kline Weinreich
Hands-On Social Marketing:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Change for Good

This classic guidebook, now in its second edition, takes you through the social marketing process step-by-step, asking the right questions and providing worksheets and resources to help you develop an impactful program to create real change.


Social Media for Behavior Change (SM4BC) Toolkit
(Created for IFRC/USAID)

Cover of the Social Media for Behavior Change Toolkit developed for the Red Cross by Nedra Weinreich

The CASE Framework:
Social Marketing Strategy Simplified

Diagram of the CASE Framework: Social Marketing Strategy Simplified by Nedra Weinreich

Immersive Engagement:
Transmedia Storytelling for Change

Diagram of the Immersive Engagement Model for using transmedia storytelling for social impact by Nedra Weinreich

Case Study: The Nosh-e-Jaan Social Marketing Campaign in Afghanistan

Logo of the Nosh-e-Jaan social marketing nutrition campaign in Afghanistan

Stories from the Forefront:
Interviews with Social and Behavior Change Communications Media Professionals

in Social Marketing
from Palgrove Encyclopedia of Social Marketing

Changing the World One Story At a Time
Interview with Nedra Weinreich

Turning Awareness
o Action

CLASSIC ARTICLES (oldies but goodies)

Strategic Social Marketing for Nonprofits

The "Don't Kid Yourself" Campaign Case Study

Research in the Social Marketing Process

What is Social Marketing?

Social Marketers in the Driver's Seat:
Motorsport Sponsorship as a Vehicle for Tobacco Prevention

Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Social Marketing Research

Building Social Marketing Into Your Program

Getting Your Message Out Through the Media


Spare Change Blog - 
Full Archive

So You Want to Be a Social Marketer

Tune in Tomorrow: Soap
Operas for Social Marketing

Social Marketing vs. "Social Marketing"

Colonoscopies are not Colas: Social Marketing Challenges

Making Fear-Based Campaigns Work

Branding for Social Marketers

The Insider's Guide to Writing a Winning Proposal

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