Crumplewings, RIP
I'm sad to report that our pet butterfly Crumplewings finally went to the big garden in the sky. This amazing insect taught us all the meaning of courage and persistence. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but even though he emerged from his chrysalid just before the new year with damaged wings, he (don't ask me how I know it was a male) lived for almost 8 weeks. From what I could find on the web, Painted Lady butterflies usually only live 2-4 weeks, or less in captivity. Was it my longevity-enhancing recipe for sugar water and orange slices that did it? Was it that he increased his lean body mass by shedding pieces of his wings? Or maybe he just had the will to live against all odds. We'll never know. But I'm sure he outlived most of his brethren who were set free outside a month ago. What are the social marketing or life lessons in all of this (because, of course, there have to be some)? Maybe that you can never predict exactly how someone will respond to adversity, but you should never write them off. Or even if someone does not make a change in their life exactly as you think they are supposed to, they may still succeed by doing it their way. Or that there will always be some in your audience who surprise you by doing exactly what you do not expect. Or that those with their feet on the ground in business last longer than those with their heads in the clouds. Maybe you can come up with some better ones. While we're on the subject of insects, I found this short video about cicadas and their 17-year life cycle strangely compelling. Good things come to those who wait?