post title
links for 2007-01-29
What Political Campaigns Can Teach Nonprofits - The Agitator There are many parallels between nonprofit and political marketing. Watch how the people with the money use their marketing dollars to get people engaged in the campaigns and voting for the candidates. (tags: nonprofitonline_marketingpolicy)
Nonprofit groups drawing line at some donors Are there any corporations from whom you would refuse funding? (tags: nonprofitpartnershipsethics)
Franchising Health Care as a Business Model for Social Marketing Craig Lefebvre beat me to posting on this, and did a better job of it than I would have. (tags: strategyinternationalmanagementsocial_marketing)
Psychophysiology and Media: Intro to my mad science The effect of health communication fear appeals on the body (tags: health_communicationcampaign_effects)