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links for 2007-01-24
Long Tail PR: how to do publicity without a press release (or the press) Chris Anderson on PR 2.0 - using social media for public relations (tags: social_mediapublic_relations)
The Giving Carnival: Edition One Collected posts on the theme of Gatesgate (as dubbed, I believe, by Allison Fine) - the recent revelations that some of the Gates Foundation's investments run counter to its philanthropic work (tags: ethicsinternationalnonprofit)
New Program to Direct Healthier Food Purchases - Point of purchase social marketing (tags: nutritionplace)
Sanitation "greatest medical milestone since 1840" It surpassed antibiotics, the discovery of DNA, and anesthesia, which were among the top five milestones in the poll. (tags: environmentpolicy)
Second Drop in Cancer Deaths Could Point to a Trend, Researchers Say "Much of the decrease is due to smoking cessation and improved detection and treatment of colorectal, breast and prostate cancers." Hooray for social marketing's role in this! (tags: campaign_effects)