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links for 2007-01-10
Getting Into the Act - When Federal Health Experts Troubleshoot TV Medical Dramas, They Expect a Payback (tags: entertainment_educationmedia)
Why I heart Zipcar Tara Hunt raves about a great service that makes it easier to use public transportation most of the time and forgo owning a car. (tags: environment)
Carnival of Nonprofit Consultants Hosted at The Nonprofit Consultant Blog (tags: nonprofitmarketing)
Understanding Consumers' Health Information Preferences: Development and Validation of a Brief Screening Instrument (pdf) Free article from J. of Health Communication that identifies four segments of the adult popn with regard to health information preferences based on their degree of engagement in health enhancement, and degree of independence in health decision making. (tags: target_audienceresearch)
PSFK: How The Mobile Phone Is Changing Africa Quote: "Everywhere I go I see the phone as a cause of progress, creating economic development and social change." (tags: mobilesocial_changeinternational)