Ready for the Zombie Invasion (or any other disaster)
One of the big frustrations disaster preparedness professionals constantly face is the difficulty of getting people to acknowledge the likelihood of an emergency event -- whether its a natural disaster, pandemic flu or manmade terrorism -- and to take actions to be ready
when it happens. The fact is, people don't like to think about worst-case scenarios, and they definitely don't like to have to spend effort and money to address something that they think is likely never to happen to them.
Public health and safety folks tend to come at the problem from a straightforward "Here are the facts. Are you prepared?" angle. Sometimes they also try to scare people into taking action. But you don't often see disaster preparedness as a fun and social activity. Of course, the best idea I've seen for getting people engaged with the issue didn't come from the professionals at all, but from a group of friends looking for fun. And talk about worst-case scenarios -- it doesn't get much worse than a full-out zombie invasion.
I first found out about Zombie Squad from @rachky and @zen_jewitch on Twitter. Looking at the website, I went from an initial "Huh?" to "Wow, what a brilliant idea!" Seeing the potential for social marketers to be inspired by this unconventional approach to a conventional topic, I requested an interview with members of the Squad. A big thanks to Kyle Ladd, a member of the ZS Board of Directors and one of its founders, and Christopher Cyr, the ZS accountant, for taking the time to answer my questions.
(Zombie Squad Photo Credit: Mike Dressler)
First of all, can you explain what Zombie Squad is?Zombie Squad is the world's premiere non-stationary cadaversuppression task force. Of course, as you may know, our mission is notonly to keep your neighborhood safe from the shambling hordes but alsoto help guide and educate others to better prepare themselves for anydisaster. We want the public to be ready for anything from a naturalor man made disaster, like a tornado or earthquake, to a full onzombie apocalypse.Our organization focuses on fulfilling its mission by sharinginformation and promoting education about issues concerning survivaland preparation. We also encourage our large member base to beinvolved in community organizations that promote disaster awareness orassist in recovery efforts. Our members volunteer their time, attendand organize fundraisers, and give to their communities in a number ofways. By using the zombie survival theme, we are able to reach ademographic that many organizations are unable to.How did you get the idea to start Zombie Squad? Fighting off theundead is not an obvious market niche.The official story involves a group of friends returning home from amovie one night and discussing how they would survive better than anyof the characters in the film. From there the idea grew into a groupof people who thought it would be fun to gain the skills necessary toactually survive a scenario where society has fallen. As they toldtheir idea to other friends, word spread and the organization began totake shape. Early members realized the practicality and usefulness ofmany of the skills they were acquiring. The zombie survival themeprovides a fun context to learn basic survival skills, with none ofthe usual stigma attached to being called a "survivalist."What kinds of people tend to join Zombie Squad? We have active members from all walks of life ranging from graphicdesigners and tattoo artists to military officers and lawyers. Cultfans of the zombie/horror/post-apocalyptic genre seem to beeverywhere. It always amazes me how our members consistently donatetheir time, effort, and money to support their communities.What types of organizations hire your services or trainings?Some of the organizations ZS has worked with include larger charitieslike the Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity and Cancer Society but we tryto focus our efforts more towards the local communities where ourrespective chapters reside. We do a lot of work putting on fundraisers for local charities and collecting for local food and bloodbanks.How do you do your public outreach and education? What types ofactivities do you use to raise awareness of disaster preparedness andzombie survival?Zombie Squad reaches the public via several paths. First and foremostis our website which hosts general disaster preparation informationvia our blog, well managed discussion forums and videos.Over the last several years we've branched out with our traveling"Zombie Survival" seminars that focus on general disaster preparationwith a zombie twist. These seminars draw quite a crowd who in manycases come to see us for the zombie aspect but leave with knowledgeand interest in steps they can take to be more prepared for morerelevant disasters. We originally focused on sci-fi and horrorconventions around the country, but we're also regularly invited tobring our show to Boy Scout Troops, universities, disaster fairs andeven REI stores.Last year our St. Louis Chapter put on its own disaster fair and itwas a huge success. The fair took place during the one yearanniversary of a series of storms that tore through St. Louis leavingover 500,000 people without power, many for a week or more, on thehottest days of the year. Another storm hit St. Louis again thatwinter with similar devastation of local utilities. The goal of thefair was to promote the importance of being prepared for similardisasters and to bring local disaster agencies together to talk aboutwhat they do for the community. We brought in guest speakers andrepresentatives who set up informational booths from a number of localdisaster response agencies such as the Red Cross, CERT, ARES, HumanSociety, SCC Health Dept and others.In addition to these educational programs our chapters host fundraisers for various organizations, food drives, movie nights and otherevents, as mentioned in the previous question.Would you say the emphasis of your organization is more on havingfun with the zombie theme or on the disaster preparedness message?Which part of it do you think gets people motivated to take action?Both. Zombie Squad is occasionally described as an organization thattricks people into learning. While many participants are drawn to ourevents by their interest in the zombie and post apocalypticentertainment elements, they come to realize that everything wepresent has real world applications.At what point does the zombie fun end, and the seriouslife-and-death discussions begin? Are there some issues at which youdraw the line at being humorous?That's a good question. We do have plenty of lines drawn to make surepeople don't get the wrong impression. For instance, we clearly statethat the "zombies" we discuss are metaphors for natural and man madedisasters. They are not codewords for people of other races,nationalities, religions, sexual orientation, or anything similar.What are some of the advantages of addressing such a usually seriousand fear-driven topic from a new angle?Taking the topic seriously but keeping it fun is a great way to keeppeople interested. There are a number of informational campaigns thathave tried to scare the public into preparing for some big disaster,but those fear tactics in marketing always appear unauthentic. Theaverage person sees through that facade. Our goal is to make surepeople respect the danger that disasters pose, but not live in fear ofthem. Preparation is the key to beginning to control that fear.What have been some of the barriers you've come up against in usingthis unique approach to disaster preparedness, among your members, the people you are trying to reach, potential funders or others?The obvious major barrier is the zombie survival theme itself. Whileit is a great tool for reaching specific people, others tend toautomatically tune out the message. Usually this barrier is overcomeby calmly explaining that we do not actually think the dead will crawlout of their graves any time soon (though we're ready if they do). Atthat point, people either get it, or they move on. The truth is,there are a number of organizations out there that already cater tothose people.Do you have any advice for other people working on health and socialcauses who are trying to figure out how to make their messagesappealing and fun?Bring in as many young people as you can. They have the best ideasand the most motivation. The hard part is keeping their interest.Stay on top of pop-culture trends and figure out a way to use it toyour advantage.You can always try bribing them. One thing we find is that peoplelike to know that their time is appreciated when they volunteer.There are great, inexpensive, and fun ways to reward volunteers fortheir involvement that keep them happy and eager to support yourmission.One project we're working on now is our "Volunteer Awards Program."Not all of our members are able to get involved with local chapters,so this program will allow them to still volunteer in their communityas part of Zombie Squad. Under the program, members will volunteerfor an organization with a cause they feel worthy of supporting andkeep track of their hours on a form we provide. We're really flexibleabout where they can volunteer. They just need to contact us forapproval if it's not a charity on our list. Then at the end of theyear they tell us how many hours they volunteered and we send them anumber of incentive awards ranging from a new enamel ZS pin, patches,stickers, shirts, and so forth, based on their level of participation.It's a way for us to thank our members for doing their part and ithelps us to get an idea what sort of charities our members areinterested in. We're looking forward to how this program turns out andour members seem really excited about participating.Do you have any funny or unusual stories you can share that havecome out of the work you do? (Notwithstanding, of course, the factthat the work itself is funny and unusual!)The thing that always brings smiles to the faces of our members is therealization of how far the organization's message has spread. It's acommon occurrence for Zombie Squad members nationwide to be out intheir communities wearing a ZS t-shirt and hear someone yell "ZombieSquad" to them, or walk up and ask how they know about theorganization. When you think about the fact that this organizationstarted over a discussion held by a few people in a van in South St.Louis, Missouri…it's pretty amazing.Is there anything else you would like to mention that I haven't asked about?Don't you want to know about the robot threat?
Technorati Tags: zombie squad, disaster, emergency, social marketing