You Know You Spend Too Much Time on Twitter When...
In recognition of the fact that lately I've been neglecting my blog in favor of Twitter, I am doing penance with a bit of humor.
... you start calling your family things like @Dad or @Rachky in conversations.
... you only speak in short bursts of 140 characters and self-edit to use synonyms with fewer letters.
... you make decisions about what you'll have for lunch based on how interesting it will sound on Twitter.
... you find yourself thinking up new Alltop topics in the hopes of getting Kawasakied.
... you make a new offline friend and announce to all your other friends that you're just 2 people short of having 200 friends.
... your swear word of choice is "TweetJeebus!"
... your Twitter followers know you are pregnant before your husband does.
... throughout the day you compose tweets in your head about what you're doing, even if you are nowhere near your computer.
... during a Twitter outage, you compulsively hit "refresh" every three seconds hoping this will be the time it will come back on.
... most of your email is now either direct messages or new follower notifications.
... you don't feel the need to go to a conference in person anymore because someone else is livetweeting it.
... you get all your news from @BreakingNewsOn.
... you find yourself referring to the telephone's pound key as a 'hashtag.'
... you have no idea what's going on in your friends' lives unless they are on Twitter.
... you give people your personal website address as a TinyURL.
... you can't hear what someone says to you and you say, "Could you please retweet that?"
These things, of course, do not apply to me. What would you add?
Photo Credit: sarahkim